Computer Network Cabling PORTFOLIO
UW-Milwaukee Northwest Quad phase II
State of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
Milwaukee, WI
State of Wisconsin
Public Safety DAS system for first responder coverage within the remodeled facilities.

Photo Credit: Ring & DuChateau
Installation of infrastructure cabling for network, access control, wireless access points, and CCTV systems within the remodeled buildings (B,C,D) of the Northwest quadrant of the UW Milwaukee campus. Over 350,000 feet on new systems infrastructure to be deployed during the course of this 2-year construction project. Fiber and copper backbones to interconnect the buildings at this Northwest area of the campus. Audio and Video systems throughout the renovated spaces. Public Safety DAS system for first responder coverage within the remodeled facilities. This phased project will transform the existing building into state of art educational spaces for the Student Health Services and Health Sciences programs at the University.